Creative Ubiquity

This Earth Day it seems appropriate to remind ourselves that Christian faith is actually a faith that encourages good stewardship of creation. So here's some quick theology connecting the ubiquity of Christ to stewardship of creation. 


The idea of the ubiquity of Christ comes from John 1:3. "All things came into being through him, and without him, not one thing came into being..." This simple verse reframes all that is for those who believe it because it means that Jesus is part of everything.

Jesus' presence may not be obvious. Indeed at times Jesus may feel very hidden or obscured. But the faith that is the gift of the Spirit sees Jesus in all of creation. And I do really mean all.


Since the eyes of faith see Jesus in all things, then what we do in creation matters. From the trees I see out my window to what car I drive and how I drive it, all of this either reflects the faith God has given me or reflects my own sin.

Seeing Jesus in all that is empowers us to be better stewards of the creation because we are also given the sight to see Jesus in those as yet unborn. The condition in which we leave the creation for future generations will either reflect our faith that Jesus has made those future generations or our own sin and selfishness.

Seeing Jesus in all that is means not using the planet as if the resources are infinite or as if we're the last people to live on the planet, but instead bothering to learn about better ways to care for all that is for the sake of sustainable usage today and into the future.


Jesus, the one through whom all things are made, became part of creation for the sake of saving creation by dying and rising again. When Jesus returns, it will be this creation he saves and makes whole.

Today, and each day, God calls Christians into a relationship with creation and all that is in creation. The faith of Jesus shows us that this creation is worth saving, this creation is worth caring for, you are worth caring for. Let us be good stewards of the gift of God that is creation.