Transfiguration A

Primacy. The primacy of rulers, the primacy of the Word proclaimed, the primacy of Jesus’s words.

Psalm 2

Now therefore, O kings, be wise;
be warned, O rulers of the earth.
— Psalm 2:10

Verse 10 is quoted in the Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope (Tr 54) as Melanchthon is wrapping up his argument from historical evidence. The surprise here is that he call the kings and princes “the most eminent members of the church.” But this is not about primacy so much as God’s call through one’s station in life. For Melanchthon, kings and princes were the ones who could hold the pope accountable because

judgments of the councils are judgments of the church, not of the pontiffs, it is wholly appropriate that rules restrain the wantonness of the pontiffs and ensure that the power to examine and to make judgments according to the Word of God is not snatched away from the church.
— Tr 56

Melancthon quotes verse 10 as a reminder to rulers who claim to be Christian that their first concern as Christian rulers

should be to promote the glory of God. It would, therefore, be most shameful for them to use their authority and power to encourage idolatry and countless other disgraceful acts and to slaughter the saints.
— Tr 54

2 Peter 1:16-21

…because no prophecy ever came by human will, but men and women moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.
— 2 Peter 1:21

Verse 21 is cited in a footnote to the Smalcald Articles, Part 3, Article 8: Concerning Confession (SA 3.8.13, n. 155) to help place the parts of this verse that are quoted in the line referenced by the footnote. In this last section of this article, Luther concludes with an argument against those who claim that the Holy Spirit works apart from the spoken Word of God by reminding us through several quotes that it is always the spoken Word that leads to the movement of the Spirit.

Peter says they [the holy men and women] were holy because the Holy Spirit speaks through them.
— SA 3.8.13

God uses means to bring about faith. People are holy and prophecy because they have heard God’s Word, not the other way around. Beware those who preach something “new” that is not grounded in God’s Word.

Matthew 17:1-9

While he was still speaking, suddenly a bright cloud overshadowed them, and from the cloud a voice said, “This is my Son, the Beloved; with him I am well pleased; listen to him!”
— Matthew 17:5

Three citations of verse 5 are peppered through the Formula of Concord, Solid Declaration.

First, verse 5 is partly quoted in Article 2: Free Will (FC, SD 2.51) as a final emphasis in a line of biblical quotes telling us to read and hear the Bible.

For the proclamation and the haring of God’s Word are the Holy Spirit’s tools, in, with, and through which he wills to work effectively and convert people to God and within whom he wants to effect both the desire for and the completion of their conversion.
— FC, SD 2.52

Want to be saved? Listen to Jesus. How? Read the Bible and listen to the proclamation thereof.

Next, verse 5 is partly quoted in Article 7: Holy Supper (FC, SD 7.43) as those who followed Luther were defining a place between the understanding of communion as a meal of remembrance and the idea of transubstantiation. They (of course) side with Luther’s understanding of the real presence of Christ in, with, and under the bread and the wine by saying essentially this is what Jesus said, so we should listen to Jesus.

Finally, verse 5 is quoted in Article 11: Election (FC, SD 11.65) to set up that all the following quotes from the gospels should be heeded because Jesus is the Word of God and is the one through whom we are saved.


Be suspicious of the unique thought. While it is true that at the very beginning the Spirit moved without the Word proclaimed, but ever since faith comes through hearing the Word of God. That being said, also be suspicious of those who encourage us to never challenge the established way of doing things.

As we ground and center ourselves in the Word of God, thoughts will come to us that challenge tradition, but that doesn’t mean the thoughts are not from the Spirit. But if we just try to solve problems without the Word as our guide, the novel ideas will most likely come from our sinful self than the Holy Spirit.

We have been given the Word of God. Let’s listen!