About Halfway Down

Who we are

very grainy photo of two dark-haired little girls in adorable plaid dresses

The day of our baptism!

Erin is a deacon in the ELCA, specializing in faith formation, worship, and preaching. In her spare time, she likes to sew, draw verse art, and watch Captain Marvel. Her favorite color is teal.

Sarah is a pastor in the ELCA, who has served an average of 3 congregations at a time. In her spare time, she likes to dabble in various languages and look at birds. Her favorite color is red.

About this site

Why did we decide to start a blog together? You decide!

  • We needed a place to put all the stuff we really want to say.

  • Social media doesn’t give us sufficient scope for fiddling with the HTML and CSS.

  • We could not possibly be bothered to start two separate blogs.

  • Eric agreed to host us on his website, and the rest is history.


Verse art: Halfway up the stairs isn't up and it isn't down. It isn't in the sanctuary, It isn't in the town. - from AA Milne's "Halfway Down", alt. text

Text art by Erin