If you’re looking for a particular lectionary day, scroll down to use the links down below.

You can search by books of the Bible. Type in the name of the biblical book and the chapter to find those references. So if you already know what passage your preaching on but want to check to see if there are any citations without going to your Book of Concord, type it in. Preaching on a passage from Romans 13, just type that into the search box.

You can also search by parts of The Book of Concord. This part is still developing. Here sis the key for these searches:

AC = Augsburg Confession
AP = Apology of the Augsburg Confession
SA = Smalcald Articles
Tr = Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope
SC = Small Catechism
LC = Large Catechism
FC Ep = Epitome of the Formula of Concord
FC SD = Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord

So if you wanted to know about the understanding of election in the conversations among those who followed Luther after he died, you could search for FC SD 11, which is the article in the Solid Declaration on election.

Search the site here:

The original content in the page is copyright protected between 2014 and 2021, so please cite appropriately. Biblical quotes come from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible. Book of Concord quotes come from the Kolb and Wengert version published in 2000.


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